One of the biggest problems in business is being able to measure whether a change is producing the results that we desire.

Today we share some of the ways Automation gives you an EASILY measurable ROI.

Why should you invest in automating your business?

Today I’ll share with you all the ways you can measure your return on investment in automation.

Common Automation Concerns That Everybody Has…

One of the biggest problems in business is being able to measure whether a change is producing the results that we desire.

Generally some of the biggest concerns when considering automation are:

  • What is the payback period?
  • What is the return on investment?
  • Is the capital investment worth it?

To answer these questions…

If the data does not exist in the business to determine if the introduction of machine automation will be worth the cost savings…

Then procedures can be developed or data collection automation tools can be employed to collect the needed data to run the financial analysis.

Once the decision is made it is a simple task to measure the benefits of automation. Machines are able to easily collect data on:

  • the number of man hours saved per unit or per task
  • units produced
  • items picked
  • area or linear feet processed
  • etc.

All of these data points can used to extrapolate cost savings and profits.

If you’re a visionary with a single process in mind that you want to automate in your business, and you want to be sure it will pay itself off in 2 years or less….

Please reach out to us.


Until next time,


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