Will robots replace us all in the next 10 years?

Join me for a discussion about why the mid-term reality is more about the elimination of tasks rather than jobs as a whole.

How could automation possibly increase job security?

Today I’ll answer the question and share why you should adopt the use of automation in your business.

The Media Hype

Everyday in the news I am bombarded by articles with extremist views on automation.

Some articles say that automation will create jobs like how the mass adoption of knitting machines allowed for greater textile productivity and paved the way for the fashion industry.

But most articles I see are titled something like, “Automation is coming for your job”. People are afraid of some kind of Terminator Skynet situation.

Seeing the future in such a black and white fashion is nonsensical… and the fear mongering is too Hollywood for my liking.

How We SHOULD View Automation

Instead, we should think about Automation as something that empowers people by augmenting their abilities or relieving them of the responsibility to complete certain activities of a business. In other words, it allows people to get more done.

Fact is, Automation is not a threat to most occupations or jobs.  

According to a study conducted by McKinsey based on the US market (assessing about 2000 distinct work activities)…

Fewer than 5% of occupations could be entirely automated using current technology.

Instead, automation has the potential to generate a greater amount of meaningful work for people…

Allowing employees to focus on more tasks that utilize creativity, emotion, communication, empathy, and sales.

The same McKinsey study identified that: 

45% of current activities can be automated with existing technology. And an additional 13% could be automated if language recognition can be made to exceed a median level of human performance.

60% of occupations could have 30% of their daily activities automated using existing technology.

And these occupations are across the board – they are not just lower paying jobs. They include white collar jobs, legal professionals, and physicians too. 

How do we cope?

So what does it all mean?

Automation, like the pace of technological advancement is something that cannot be stopped.

It will augment the abilities of people, allowing for greater productivity, Higher margins and greater profitability.

and As far as job security goes…

I believe that any time a company can become more profitable it means greater job security for the employees working for that company. 

Because nothing spells zero job security like a company that is losing money or going out of business.

We do have to be realistic though and take responsibility for how the adoption of massive automation will change work as we know it…

I believe that our responsibility, as leaders, is to redefine occupational roles so that people work alongside machines.

We also have a responsibility to provide opportunities for training so that loyal employees can transition to greater productivity and higher wages.

A natural reaction to the amount of workplace change I have described might be to slow the pace and scope of adoption in order to preserve the status quo.

This might very well succeed in slowing workforce transitions… But this would be a mistake.

A mistake that leaves your business behind other competitors in profitability, productivity, and growth.

If you’re considering introducing more automation into your business, and you’re ready to take the next step and look at feasibility, existing solutions, ROI.

Or you’re worried about how introducing automation will effect your workplace culture and the job descriptions of your staff. Please reach out to us and we’ll point you in the right direction.




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